
Thursday 27 October 2011

The Stranger the Neighbor

Silvia, I finally finished the move, it is quite nice here inside my new home. Here is very calm, few houses. The neighborhood is a little weird, and so the place, but that’s what I could afford, a neat old village. I’m sure I will spend great time here, I’ll tell you the details when you come to visit me, and I hope it could be soon because I’ve already been here a week waiting for you. I want to talk about my neighbor, I saw him a few times, we didn’t talk yet but he chilled me to the bone when we crossed the hall of the village. There is an old lady who lives here by my side, she asked me, when I arrived, why I came to live here, and that I’m too young to stay in this abandoned village. I do not understand what she meant, doesn’t matter, she is very old. I got a job as a secretary in a law office, it is pretty cool, a good experience. Well, I’m waiting for you, send news!
A kiss, Laura.
I live in a very old village, there are eight houses, four on each side and a large hallway in the middle, and no parking. There are only an old lady living by my side, her name is Olga, in front of me lives my neighbor whose name I do not know yet, and the owner called Alberto that lives in the first house. I am on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, violent and abandoned, nothing compared to Rio postcards, beaches, carnival and Christ Redeemer, who seems to have forgotten this place where I am.
This darkness atmosphere will certainly awake my depressive side. I lost my parents in a car accident, I was at home in Campinas, São Paulo, with my grandmother when I got the news by phone from the hospital, the firefighters tried to save them and the doctors did everything, but they did’t get it. This happened about a month later, I have a younger brother who was with his friends at the time of the accident. My parents were coming back home after celebrating 35 years of marriage with a party on the weekend. According to the police something made the car skid and hit against another one, there was much fog. Nobody survived, the police recognized the bodies by their identifications documents.
I spent the two weeks after the accident with my aunt and my brother but I could not bear this loss, so I quit the job and left my brother living with my grandparents. He’s only 14 years old and it had been very difficult to continue living with a problematic teenager in the midst of this crisis.
I had been saved much money, I was planning to move to my own house because after 30 is unbearable to live with family. I had seen a very comfortable house in São Paulo, but now everything has changed. I packed my bags and came to Rio de Janeiro.
When I arrived here I have no idea of where I have to go, I didn’t think about that, so I decided to stay in a hostel for a few days. During a whole week I tirelessly sought out for a place to live, the money would soon shorten. At the same time I was looking for employment, which was more difficult, I graduated in law and don’t have much experience. But I was lucky, a week later I got a job as a secretary, after ask for it a lot and tell the boss my sad story, than I found an ad in the paper for renting a house in downtown, this one where I live. I had to beg for it because the owner no longer wanted to rent the houses, he said that there were many stuff that needed work, but fortunately he let me to stay if I would fixed everything, and he had aware me of how much the place is dangerous during the night. So I started a new life, away from the problems that I left in Campinas and trying to get rid of bad memories.
I miss my friend Silvia.
Sunday, 10:00 PM
So I moved to this house. One day abandoned to solitude, I decided to go out at night to have fun. Walking down a street in Lapa, in downtown, I saw a nice and pleasant bar. I sat down and ordered a beer. By my side, at the next table, a lone man with a singular beauty looking at me. He mesmerized me with his challenger black eyes, we approached without saying anything. I felt his cold hands in mine, we got up and left quickly from there without paying the bill, we heard the waiter shouting but we didn’t look back. On a darkness and empty street I found myself in his arms. I heard a song away. I didn’t know how much time has passed. I woke up far away from there, lying on the sidewalk of a desert street. I was not hurt, but I had much blood on my clothes and over my body. Terrified, I began to run without stopping. I didn’t know where to go and neither where that strange man was, I was scared, alone and wondering what had happened.
The last thing I remembered was being with a man on a darkness street, hearing a music, shaking and crying without knowing why, with the blood of someone over my clothes. I was weak and tired, I knelt down on the sidewalk, it was too late and just one or two cars were passing throughout the street. With my hands on my face I nearly fainted. Frightened with all these things I was thinking if it was not a fantasy created by my mind, but it was real, impossible but real, who was he? Could this be his blood? What did I do?
I didn’t know but I was being followed, I felt a cold hand on my shoulder, I shouted and a leapt up. It was him. Impulsively I jumped into his arms sobbing and grabbed his neck.
- What happened? Why am I like this? And you, did I hurt you? Where were you? What happened, what happened?!
- It’s okay now. He said.
He looked at me with those deep and disturbing black eyes, he put his hands over my face with care and kissed me. I was terrified, with a strange fear, that man was sucking my force. Even knowing I was entering in an unknown and uncertain territory, handing me with a man who I didn’t know, and although it was disturbing me I was enjoying it. I trembled all over and fainted. We danced in my dreams all night.
It would have been an absurd creation of my imagination, a real dream, it was my mind playing tricks on me. It seems that I lost my reason, I lost consciousness. Suddenly I found myself at home, with no clothes, lying in bed. It was morning and I didn’t know how were the rest of the night and dawn, but was eroticized and sweating as I had fucked all night long. I had a warmth in the middle of my thigh, wanting more, I was a bitch in heat, someone was with me here, him. But I was alone, I tried to remember, I felt ill and laid down again. So I thought, it couldn’t be possible that I had brought someone to bed, to my house, and have not been remembering anything until now. I was feeling hot yet, I was horny. I got up because my body asked to. And what was all that horror I had experienced yesterday? I kept asking myself why was this happening to me? I didn’t know. I didn’t know where he was, I didn’t I know anything. I didn’t know about me, I didn’t know about him, I didn’t know whose blood was that.
I went to the kitchen to make a strong coffee, and while I was drinking, I remembered something, he was the guy I met yesterday, and I didn’t even know his name, the music, the blood, my head hurts.
Monday, 6:00 AM
Laura finished her cup of coffee and went to take a shower, she could not be late for her first day of work. With the hot water falling down over her body, and eyes with her closed, she moved back to the night before. All the feelings came back, the fear, the heat, the tremors, and an intense desire for sex. Her image have got reflected in the mirror a Bacchic expression, she was the eroticism in its essence, surrendering herself without resistance and negligently. Few minutes later, Laura went into a deep trance, in the hope to return to the arms of the unknown. Wrapped up in vapours, her hands roamed around her body. She felt the presence of the stranger on her back, touching her shameless. Her first instinct was to bend down against the wall showing her neck and upturned her ass, calling for the stranger to take her strong. He slipped like a ghost in the back of Laura, pulling her by the hair and kissing and biting her, he grabbed her waist…and gone. Some time passed, the water still falling through her body. Laura opened her eyes, there was the stranger in the mirror, naked and beautiful, she turned off the shower, and when she looked back, he was not there anymore.
She heard the bell. In a leap she wrapped herself in a towel and went out to see who was there. Was her landlord.
- Good morning, Laura, we are going to be without electricity today until 6:00 PM, the power company comes to fix an old wiring.
- Morning Alberto, that’s okay, I’m leaving for work now and I would only return in the evening, thanks.
Laura ran back to the bathroom looking for the stranger, and nothing, he was not there, he was not in the house. She screamed, a terror gripped Laura again, she tear up. Nevertheless there was a satisfaction in her body and a lustful pleasure.
Were there just fantastic images? Was that real? Or just her hands that gave her satisfaction and insidious sensations…delight and pain?
She quickly took her purse and left for work.
Monday, 5:00 PM
The day was very calm, but she did not stop to think about what had happened the night before and in all the things she had felt in the morning. She could leave the office earlier and got this opportunity to buy some clothes and to have a snack before go home, to try to forget all that madness. As she was walking along the street she heard people talking about a murder on the night before and she became worried because it was close to the place where she had been with the stranger, so she went to know exactaly what they were talking about. They found two bodies that had been mutilated beyond recognition, as if an animal had attacked them, the news showed scenes of frightening and bizarre pieces of bodies piled up. According to the detectives, they were killed in different places and taken to that street, and there they were cut. The policemen didn’t found the murder weapon and no one saw anything unusual around the street. By knowing that, Laura became static, she groaned in pain remembering that blood on her clothes and body.
- Who in God’s name would do such a thing? A man by her side asked.
Laura just stared and thought.
- I was there, and I do not remember. It was him.
And cried. She took the way home, determined to forget, but could not, she had to find the stranger and know what happened.
Arriving at the village the light had already returned.
- Good evening Olga, how are you?
- I am well my dear and you? You arrived late yesterday…ah these young people, how much energy! Is everything okay?
- I went out just to get a fresh air, but it was a bad idea…
- No one escapes from destiny, you never know who people are or what they seem to be…
- What do you mean by that?
Laura turned and walked home. The lady just giggled and said herself as she got into the house: – but will know or…had already met…
Moments later Alberto put his head out the window thinking that Laura was talking to herself, he went back inside muttering a few words:
- This girl is really weird, was she talking to herself? Odd girl.
    - Get some rest my child, by the way, his name is Marcos. - Who?! - Marcos, your neighbor, have you already knew him? - Do not Olga, did not know, good night.
    Laura entered home compleining: - And now this, what the hell this old gossip woman is thinking, she is now caring about me or what?! But … she knows my neighbor, at least knows his name… Marcos. I can not get annoyed with her, she’s just a boring old woman and so far my only company to chat. Said Laura.
    Monday, 7:00 PM
Entering home, Laura threw her purse over the sofa and went to look her emails. She saw that her fried Silvia had written. Laura had forgotten that spoke to her earlier in the week and that her friend would come to visit her on Wednesday.
- Wow! Silvia is coming, I had completely forgotten. It’s not a good time for her to come, not with all these things happening, but on the other hand, it might be a company and she could help me. She’s my friend, I don’t know, maybe she will understand…or not…I don’t know…I don’t know anything.
As she read her posts, she saw a light turn on at the front house.
- It’s him! Was he at home or has just arrive? He is so beautiful, and lives alone, since I got here I hadn’t saw him with anyone, does he have family? Funny, it seems that I’ve seen him somewhere before… I’m silly, as I have seen him, I have just arrive in this city, my head is really not going well … I think it would be good that Silvia came to visit me soon, I don’t need to tell her everything that has appened. I will take a shower and fall into bed. But I can not understand yet, I’m really mad, I’m afraid, maybe that strange man is a murderer, he has killed and cut those people, I should report it.
Tuesday, 3 AM
It was 3 o’clock in the morning when Laura suddenly woke up, she got up and went to room to read a book, a few minutes later she heard a noise outside the house and went to look through the window. Marcos was listening to music, Laura remembered that mysterious man she met at the bar on the other day, the strange, and
the music she heard there.
She was too bothered yet by had been at the crime scene and she began to feel the same sensations that had disturbed her and completely changed her life for these two days. She got her body full of warm, the passion unusually insistent led her to that night of violent desires. During this rapid delirium she faced Marcos, he was in front of her. The tension was visible in her eyes. She felt her legs tremble, her heart pound. Everything was a blur to her, scenes, blood, desperate screems, cries, the voices – please do not do this, let me go, no, no!
An overlay of images of the stranger kissing her and Marcos on her door let her feeling bad and confuse.
She left her book dropped down when she saw those mysterious black eyes and heard his voice.
- Did I wake you up? I’m sorry, but I have a terrible habit of listening to music late at night when I can’t sleep, my name is Marcos, I’m your neighbor.
While Marcos was speaking Laura stare at him, step back frightening, she didn’t know what to say or what to think, she cried desperately. They looked each other for a few moments…Olga was watching from her window what was happening…
So, Laura said out loud:
- Wait, are you…can not be, yes it’s you! What are you doing here!?
Screeming, Laura left the house pushing him back.
- Well, I live here. He said.
- Yes you live here, you are my fucking neighbor, why didn’t you tell me anything!? Why didn’t you come home with me, as we were together that day. I didn’t even know your name, you bastard! What’s happening? You better start telling! What did you do with those people! You are a murdered! I knew that I had already seem you before, Marcos…and then! What did you do to me here! In the shower!
Desperately, Laura continued:
- Say it! Now! Do you know how I’m feeling now, do you? Do you have any idea? Holy shit! Do you know how I was when I got home after that fucking nightmare? Did you see what the TV news are saying? Did you read papers?
Laura was crying.
- Easy Laura, I’ll explain, calm down, it is better get in, you will wake up Alberto and Olga.
- No! Calm down you, damn, fuck you, I’m exhausted, I’m scared, actually I’m terrified! You do not understand …
Laura surrendered herself to that horror and hugged Mark, she asked for help.
-Hey! What noise is that!
Alberto walked towards Laura’s house.
- What is happening Laura, why are you screeming so loud! What’s bothering you? Please, if there is anything that I can do to help, tell me, it’s too late, it is better come back home and try to sleep, isn’t it?
- I’m sorry Alberto, I’ll go, good night.
- I’m going too Laura, good night, can we talk tomorrow? Try to calm down and go to sleep. Marcos said.
When Marcos turned to go home, Laura saw him exchanged glances with Olga, who suddenly closed the window and quickly retreated, as he walked back home slowly.
Laura went back to bed.
Tuesday, 4 AM
Laura dreamed about Silvia, it was so real, that she did not know if it was true or a fantasy.
- You are here Silvia! This is great! Awesome that you could come earlier! They hugged. They Spent all the afternoon talking about what was happening, with all the details, Laura thought it would be better to tell her everything.
Silvia could not believe in her friend, but she saw anguish in her eyes.
- So Laura, tell me more about this lady Olga, where does she live?
- I told you, here, by my side.
- Curious, I saw no one, everything is closed, the house seems abandoned.
- Well, this place is weird, and Olga is always inside, I never see her walking around.
- In fact all these houses seem abandoned, Laura.
- But I have already told you about it Silvia, the place is old and empty, I barely see the landlord too.
- And how did you get this home?
- I saw a very small ad in the paper.
- And how much is the rent?
- Well, actually, we made a deal, as he did not want to rent at all, he let me stay if I was slowly repairing the house, and when it get in living conditions we would think about to pay the rent.
- Hum…And this neighbor you told me about? Do you always see him?
- I Just see him at night, but not every night, he is very discreet and quiet, and beautiful, must see him, I think he is not at home now.
- Well, Laura, first of all I think that you should see a doctor, you had a big trauma because of the accident of your parents, and now all these things happening. I’m afraid you can’t stand and maybe have health problems.
- You do not believe in me, do you?
- Laura, I’m here to help you, I’m your friend, you know that, and I believe in you.
- So do you really think I need a doctor? But…and that man I met? And those people dead, and the blood on my clothes?
- This is why you should talk to a doctor, you said that you do not remember these things, do you? So let us not draw conclusions now. You are so down my friend did not eat anything today. Shall we go to sleep?
Something made Laura awoke, a nervous restlessness, excitement and noises that made her start out of her sleep, she heard again that disturbing music and someone calling for her. She looked to her side and Silvia was not there. Laura stood up and silently walked to the door, the noises were louder. She opened the door and left. She saw a movement at Olga’s house, the light turned on and off, Laura went there and called out her, but she had no answer. She tried to open the door but the doorhandle broke in her hand, she entered. Everything was dull and dark, smelling musty, dusty, she could not distinguish the objects in the house, there was no light. Slowly her eyes got accustomed to the darkness and she can realize that all furniture were broken, the curtains frayed, stuff fallen on the floor, it certainly was not an inhabited house. Standing in the middle of the room gazing upon the scene of abandonment, she saw a move towards the kitchen, scared, she called for Olga, and again unanswered, she decided to follow the figure.
- Olga! Are you there? Where are you?
As Laura went to the kitchen she saw Olga leaned against the sink.
- Olga, Are you okay? Is there something wrong? I called but you did not answer so I joined, I’m sorry to disturb you at this time, but is everything right? Is there any light here? Hi? Are you all right? I heard noises here.
Olga turned with her estrange black eyes. She was holding a knife covered in blood.
The old woman gave Laura a severe frighten, and she cried, she did not know what to do, she walked backwards away from Olga asking her to throw that knife away.
- My child it is yours. Said the old woman. Take it, take it with you. No one escapes from destiny, your friend Silvia should go out of your head.
With no control of her own body Laura reached out and grabbed the knife, the same knife that was used in the night of that massacre. And quietly left. When she was leaving Olga’s house Marcos was there, stood still waiting for her with his black and inquisitive eyes. They were with no face expression and no fear, looking each other, she was still holding the knife.
- So you already know. Marcos said.
- No, I do not know! This knife is mine, has blood on it, and it was with Olga. Get out my way, now!
Laura was screaming wanting Marcos to leave her alone, pushing him back and left him behind. Alberto arrived there to see what was happening at that time of night. Laura was hysterical. When he saw her holding the knife, got scared, and stopped where he was.
- Hey girl, what’s going on here, why are you holding this knife? Come on let’s talk, give me the knife. Who’s there with you?
- What?! Don’t be such an ass! Get out you too! Laura said.
- Calm down Laura, let’s talk, who are you talking to? What are you doing there? No one lives is this house.
- I came to see Olga, now get away!
-There is no Olga there Laura, all these houses are empty, just us live here, these houses are closed and abandoned for a long time, I just let you stay because I realized you were in trouble and because we made our deal, you straighten the house on your own.
- You lier! You are also part of it all! Get out! Or I’ll kill you too, you are in my way! You and Marcos are doing all of this on purpose!
- Come on Laura, let’s talk, shall we? Don’t be a fool, come. Who is Marcos?
- Shut up, you fucking idiot! Silvia knows all about it too, she is with me and will help me!
- Girl you are not feeling well, there’s nobody here but us, it’s late, you better come with me and relax, let go of this knife.
And Laura ran into a violent rages toward Alberto and hit him in the neck with the knife. He fall down on the ground and Laura jumped up on him and stabbed him screaming mad and dangerous. She dropped his body into pieces and ran aimlessly down the street, still holding the knife, barefoot and covered with blood…
…her own blood.
She was found on the next day in one of the streets of Lapa, in downtown, at a nice and pleasant bar. Dead with a gash in the neck, and all over her body, which was done by herself. No one knew her.
Thursday, 10 AM
Her friend Silvia arrived and did not know how to get at Laura’s house, and neither where to go to look for her friend, the adress she had was incomplete. Just a few days later she got the news by the police that Laura was dead. She had no information about the village, and no one that lives there was found, the body of Alberto was not found either. The ad for rent the house is still there.